Do you work with students who are interested in going to college? The resources below can assist you in helping your students navigate the process of preparing and planning for career or college.
ASPIRE is Oregon’s statewide career and college readiness program that offers education, resources, and mentoring for students. The ASPIRE Coordinator will help students ENGAGE in college and career learning, help them PLAN next steps, and then work with students to IMPLEMENT their plan.
In addition to federal financial aid opportunities and programs specific to each institution, Oregon residents, regardless of age, may be eligible for the following state financial aid programs, as long as they meet all other program requirements:
File your FAFSA or ORSAA
The Oregon Opportunity Grant (OOG) is Oregon's largest state-funded, need-based grant program for college students. The grant provides funding to more than 30,000 Oregon resident students each year.
OOG is a need-based grant awarded to Oregon residents of all ages who are pursuing their first associate's or bachelor's degree at an eligible public or private institution. Award amounts vary based on student's financial need and type of institution the student attends. There is not a separate application for the OOG. To be considered for the grant, students must submit their FAFSA or ORSAA by the deadline date each academic year.
The Oregon Promise is a state grant that helps to cover tuition costs at any Oregon community college for recent high school graduates and GED® test graduates. Students must apply during their senior year or immediately after GED® test completion.
The Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance (ONGSTA) program provides funding for undergraduate tuition at in-state residency rates, certain fees, and a book allowance at eligible Oregon postsecondary institutions for current Oregon National Guard Members.
The Oregon Student Child Care Grant Program helps parents enrolled in postsecondary education to obtain safe, dependable care that supports their children's development while allowing completion of the parent's academic programs.
The ݴý Scholarship is one application that includes more than 600 scholarships. The Scholarship Application includes student contact and background questions, college plans, transcripts, activities chart, and personal statements.
Use the link below to learn more about other Oregon Grant Programs.
Transfer Degree Information:
If you have already completed an associate’s degree, certificate, or some college, .
Skills and Training Resources:
For information on how to build upon your current skills, including GED® resources, apprenticeships and training opportunities, career pathways, veteran resources, dislocated worker programs, workforce needs and more, please visit the ݴý’s “” webpage.
Workforce Development Resources:
For additional resources on workforce, visit:
Oregon High Schools and participating Community-based organizations use the ݴý Partner Portal to transmit high school transcript information, report ASPIRE information, submit and review FAFSA Plus+ data. Scholarship and grant donors can access their information regarding their scholarships and applicant lists. College financial aid staff and partners who distribute and assist with Oregon Promise, Oregon National Guard State Tuition Assistance, and other grants, can view their award lists and student information here.
For additional support, such as publications and presentation materials, please visit the ݴý Outreach & Resources page.
The FAFSA Plus+ program provides student-level FAFSA data to participating schools and organizations. This allows site staff to provide targeted assistance to their students who need to complete their FAFSA, make corrections, or go through the verification process.
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3225 25th Street SE
Salem, OR 97302