
Login to an Ïã²Ý´«Ã½ Portal

Student Portal

There are several opportunities all within the Ïã²Ý´«Ã½ Student Portal. Please visit the appropriate webpages below to determine your application deadline per grant or scholarship:

Partner Portal

  • Oregon high schools and participating community-based organizations can transmit high school transcript information and report ASPIRE information.
  • Scholarship donors and selection committee members can access information regarding their scholarships and applicant lists. Please complete the  for each scholarship after you complete the process. 
  • College financial aid staff and partners who distribute and assist with Ïã²Ý´«Ã½ grants and scholarships can view award lists and student information.

If you need to request a partner portal account, please have your supervisor email partnerportalsupport@hecc.oregon.gov