
Become an ASPIRE Site

ASPIRE helps educate Oregon students to become career and college ready. ASPIRE offers education, resources, and mentoring opportunities for all students. Student supports include 1:1 and group mentoring, activities or events that focus on career exploration, career and college research, admissions applications, scholarships, and financial aid. 

ASPIRE is open to all students, especially those who may not consider education or training beyond high school an option. ASPIRE helps students and schools by:

  • Provides free resources, mentoring opportunities and encouragement to help students decide their postsecondary plans.
  • Educates students, families, and caregivers about career and college planning in addition to ways to fund a postsecondary education (financial aid, grants, scholarships, etc.)
  • Provides ASPIRE sites with personalized support, and career and college planning materials/resources.
    • Training and assistance for new ASPIRE coordinators (think of ASPIRE as a Professional Learning Community for your staff that support career/college readiness)
    • Financial aid completion help (FAFSA Plus+, presentations and resources to help increase your financial aid completion rates etc.)
    • ASPIRE Mentor program support (optional)
    • Webinars

Whether you are considering ASPIRE for your middle school, high school, community-based organizations, or college/university, ASPIRE can help you build a career and college-going culture. 

We invite you to submit an application to become an ASPIRE site: 

Have questions about ASPIRE? Use our ASPIRE Site Interest Form and a member of our staff will contact you shortly. 

Download the ASPIRE site image from this page here.